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The Christianity within the Intuitive Interspecies / Animal Communicator Service

With Anne Marie Varrella of Our Charismata.

Copyright OC

I am not a Biblical scholar, theological expert, or authority on this topic. Yet, because I believe strongly in the value of providing professional Interspecies Intuitive Communicator [Animal Communicator] sessions as it relates to being a practicing Christian, I have had Christian resources to anchor and encourage my services from the beginning, along with personal mentors and teachers in the Christian faith.

Here, I gladly share a few resources with you.


Here are very modest but poignant Biblically founded resources within Christianity to help support the presence of this profession / ministry.

Then, towards the end of this post, I provide a link to my very thoroughly outlined Biblical Principles that inform my services here as a Christian. Nothing is exhaustive because I am on a living path of faith and always ready to "listen" and to learn, with humility.

This post is an active work in progress, so feel welcome to return for updates.

Please feel welcome to contact me with any questions.

As ever, I encourage you to bring this information to your faith community or the relevant Spiritual Director, Pastor, (as examples) for your reflection and discernment.


From the Catechism of the Catholic Church

2416 Animals are God's creatures. He surrounds them with his providential care.

By their mere existence they bless him and give him glory. Thus men owe them kindness.

Catholic Church. Catechism of the Catholic Church: Revised in Accordance with the Official Latin Text Promulgated by Pope John Paul II. United States Catholic Conference, 2000. Para. 2416.


An excerpt from "The Work of Mercy" by Mark P. Shea

"Christ comes to us through innumerable creatures, since all creation is sacramental. One of the sacramentals bringing us Christ is our neighbor... The stunning truth is that Christ is present in all those you meet. How you treat them is how you treat Him.

Your neighbor is God's gift to you, a sacramental through whom Christ works in your Soul."

The Work of Mercy. Shea, Mark P. Franciscan Media. 2011.

The remarkable simplicity of this statement allows us to broaden our view of what "neighbor" can mean. ..."Since all creation is sacramental," then it follows naturally that pets, wildlife, the animals we live with as neighbors (and family) in this world are sacred, worthy of our most Loving virtues, thoughts, words, and deeds.

Worthy of getting to know in profound ways, beyond an otherwise "lowly or limited" perception. Here we are invited to be free of those limitations toward our Loving neighbors and to understand them with eyes and ears of wisdom, discernment, and faithful receptivity.



To Note: [I do not provide services as a "pet psychic" or "psychic".]

As the years have progressed, providing this awe-inspiring service to all backgrounds and worldviews without imposing my personal beliefs (and this is the ethical way), I eventually learned of more and more Christians who were actively seeking a practicing Christian who is also an Animal Communicator / Intuitive Interspecies Communicator.

Over the years, I continued to hear, discuss, or read that practicing Christians could only find Animal Communicators who introduced them to uncomfortable topics during the session, like Tarot, crystals, mention of other gods involved or a general 'Universe', among other beliefs and 'tools' that are not fitting within a Christian faith Life. [Written with the acknowledgment that there is a different practitioner fit and style for each client.] The outcome: these practicing Christians felt confused and uncomfortable, especially if it was a first encounter.

Yet, what amazes me is that these same Christians felt so convicted about this communion with our animal companions, whether it concerns pets, animals in a wildlife refuge or rehabilitation center, zoo, farm, or service animals that they continued to search:

"Who might be a practicing Christian who also offers this service?"

"What are her Biblically founded Principles for her work?"

"I do not want to go to a 'pet psychic', so what Christian option do I have?"

I felt even more encouraged as I learned of a large demographic that was, in general, searching for these answers, because even though I have been on the receiving end of a lot of confusion and a lot of explaining about what this profession is and is not; I thought: "Here I am, professionally established, with years of dedication and experience, years of faithful patience that more and more people will understand its value and relevance... I am ready to help you."



Copyright Yaroslav.

A work in progress. Please check back for updates!

Copyright Updated Our Charismata 2025.

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